Aug 24, 2011

Ella's Eyes

In one of my last posts, I wrote about how I was going to try to ignore my fear of failure and just start taking pictures without caring how things turned out. So yesterday I broke out my camera and my 18-135 mm lens to take some photos.

I had been planning on it all day and as I drove the 10-minute commute home to my puppy, hundreds of ideas for the afternoon swirled around my head. Flowers, grass, babies, home decor....

I couldn't decide. I clicked on my turn signal to turn right into my apartment, my indecisiveness kicking in -- and that little voice whispering to me that I'd had a long day and that there would be better things to take photos of tomorrow. That today was just a day with nothing to photograph; no babies. no flowers. no sunshine.

I walked inside my dark apartment, slinging my heavy purse onto the couch and, ignoring the complete mess that my apartment currently contains, walked to get Ella out of her kennel. 

Ella spends her days in the closet in a kennel. Maybe you are judging me for that right now, but I am trying my best to make this blog about the truth -- even if I might regret it later. So, yes. I keep her in the closet. But it's cozy in there - If she barks, which she rarely does, she won't disturb the neighbors. And she likes her kennel, quietly slipping into it each morning before I head out to work. 

As I was unlatching the door to Ella, I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to spend a day there. Wonder what she sees and how it feels. And this thought sparked an idea. I would photograph through Ella's eyes. And thus, yesterday's photos:

My favorite picture I got was the last one. Exactly what happens every morning when I'm getting ready for work, scrambling around with shoes half on and my hair still pinned up and waiting to be straightened and acceptable enough for society. I love that Ella managed to get into the shot, and that you get a glimpse into her actual point of view -- crouched under the bed, safe and sound from all the chaos of the world.

 Hope you enjoyed seeing the world through Ella's eyes. Happy Wednesday.


Natalie said...

Kati, these pictures are amazing! What a great idea. I really love the last one, the one of John with the leash, and the first one. I'm so impressed! You're really picking up this photography thing. Props. Much love!

Mary said...

These are so good Kati! You are so creative and talented. Love them!

Kati said...

Thanks guys! For some reason, some people are having a hard time seeing them - like they're reversed or something (?) Glad you could see them though! I had so much fun doing this post!

llwess said...

I can't see any of the picture of Ella at all on my computer. I'll have to try on the big Mac.

sarah said...

SO creative. I want to know how you processed these! Was it an action? Beautiful conversions.

Lindsey said...

Love this idea and your pics are so true to what their viewpoint must be LOL. too cute!

Adrienne, Tutorials Coordinator said...

Would you be interested in writing this up as a tutorial for our readers? Please contact me at tutorials at iheartfaces dot com.