Jan 19, 2012

That Kitchen Thing

Well, here we are, week six (?) of working on the kitchen and it is still in progress! John has been working so hard on it -- he has been hands on with everything that's happened in there so far, from helping the plumber move the pipes around to taking out the old cabinets and now putting up new drywall. Of course, he's had lots of help! It's so wonderful to have friends and family who are willing to spend their own free time lending a hand in this process.

Here's the most recent picture of the kitchen. Plans are to get drywall finished this weekend and hopefully start installing the new custom cabinets next week!!! To say I'm excited would be an understatement!


In other news, I leave tomorrow to go to Boston and I am beyond psyched! I am going to visit my best friend Natalie, who has lived there for about a year and a half. I've never been so I can't wait to see her place and eat some good seafood! Haha! I'm taking my camera with me and will be posting photos next week. 

Speaking of cameras, I know I've been bad about picking mine up. Thankfully, the days are starting to get a little longer so I know that soon I'll be able to shoot a little more freely. It's difficult to be motivated when you have no light to shoot!

Anyway, just a little catch-up on what's going on around here. Peacin' out now!

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