Now, however, Grey's Anatomy is on Thursday nights (which is nice but not quite the same as those Sunday nights..). So I was stuck to dread Sunday with nothing to look forward to at all.
Until I discovered The clouds parted, the sun peaked through the clouds, and there was hope once more. In case you don't know what is, it's a blog (started back before it was cool) where you can send in a secret of yours, printed on a postcard, and they get published. It seems so simple but the idea behind it is so cool, and it really helps reinforce the idea that there are still a few good people left out there, and that although you may feel like you're the only one out there, those postsecrets make you feel a part of something.
Here are a few postsecrets I particularly like. Although none were created by me, they are all my secrets.
Check it out. Discover your own secrets.